Real Life Stories of Incredible “Mic Drop” Moments That Left People Speechless

Keeping Records

20th Century Fox

I had a boss who kept on getting angry at me because, “I wasn’t doing what he told me to do.” Finally one day, I decided to start writing down exactly what he told me, dated it, and kept record of it. Then one day came where inevitably, “WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?!” “Exactly what you told me to do.” “I NEVER TOLD YOU TO DO THAT!”

“Well, I have it written here…” pulls out note card “On 5/22/16 — you told me specifically to do this task, exactly like this, and never do it any other way.” I finally won. I started standing up for myself a bit more in the office, and I was respected for it.

Story credit: Reddit / anooblol

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