Real Life Stories of Incredible “Mic Drop” Moments That Left People Speechless

An Expert’s Opinion


I sat in on a personal injury case where the plaintiff broke their leg in an accident and had a doctor on the stand as an expert. The woman’s lawyer begins questioning the doctor about his experience with leg injuries (he was a well known orthopedic surgeon in the area). She asks if he’s ever treated a tibula fracture. He simply answers “no.” So, she starts grilling him with questions about the tibula.

After about six or seven questions, she asks “how did you get a medical license if you’ve never treated a tibula fracture?” She launches into a huge rant trying to discredit his credentials, to which he simply responds “there is no bone called the tibula.” The lawyer became beet red and everyone in the room tried their best to keep from laughing, including the judge.

Story credit: Reddit / bang-a-rang47

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