Real Life Stories of Incredible “Mic Drop” Moments That Left People Speechless

A Danger to Others

Walt Disney Studios

I worked as an outdoor camp instructor. One week I was on logistics and had to drive the van to pick up kids. I had heard from my friend that one of the kids in his group was a little brat, back chatting, lazy, bullying other kids. When I got to the pickup point, the kids hopped into the van and my mate in shotgun.

My mate Mitch gave me the rundown on the kid. As I started the van up I did a visual check of seatbelts and everyone was good, except for the kid. I asked, he said no. I told him I can’t leave until he puts it on. So he did and I started to leave. A minute down the road I heard him unclip his seat belt again so I had to stop the van and ask him again.

He put it back on. This happened one more time. On the third time, I just pulled over, turned the van off. Radioed base and asked for my manager and the overseeing teacher who was his Dean to come up and pick this kid up because he was a danger to the others in the van. That’s when this kid started pleading and begging. Told him no. I already made the call. He got sent home. My mate Mitch had one of his best weeks after this kid left.

Story credit: Reddit / churtothechur

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