Real Life Stories of Incredible “Mic Drop” Moments That Left People Speechless

Not Without a Warrant


I was working in tech support at an ISP (internet service provider) on the afternoon/evening shift. It is a smaller ISP so tech support all sits in one office about a stone’s throw from each other. In the evenings there are only about 12 people working until about 7pm when it drops to about 7 people. We got a call one night from a kid (sounded about 12).

He was using a deep voice trying to get info on an IP address from us. This isn’t uncommon for kids who are gaming to call tech support to try and get information so they can DDOS (distributed denial of service) someone they are mad at. The first person he got followed protocol and asked if he had a warrant then hung up (We can’t give out that type of info to anyone without a warrant).

Same thing happened to 3 other people over the course of about 15 minutes before he changed up his act. I got him at that point and he said that he was agent something-or-other from the FBI and he needed info on the IP address (have you ever heard a 12 year old try to sound like an adult?). I played along and asked him if he had the account info he was looking for.

He panicked at that point and said I should have it and John in customer service should have sent it to me. I informed him there isn’t a John in customer service (They worked in the same office as us so I knew them all). He was quiet for a few seconds before he tentatively tried another name and I told him I know that person.

He got super excited and it was kind of funny listening to him think he was getting through. I asked him for the account info because that person had not sent it to me and the kid hung up. The next few attempts were the kid pretending to be one of my coworkers and telling people to give him the info. Granted this was at about 8:30pm and that specific coworker had gone home at 7.

At that point we were getting annoyed and just hung up on him whenever we heard his voice. As 9pm rolled around, one of my coworkers was very upset that she hadn’t gotten him yet, she had this whole plan on what she was going to say to him and was super excited a few minutes after 9 when we all heard her yell across the office “I GOT THE IP GUY.”

We all went on break or put calls on hold to come listen to what her plan was. The kid was pretending to be our coworker again, which was very funny for us because the person he was talking to sits right next to the person he was imitating. She acted like she was going to give him everything, he gave her the IP address he wanted info on and she got him to sing like a bird on what he was looking for.

After about a minute she said “Thank you sir, we just finished tracing your call and I am required to inform you that a member of the FBI will be swinging by shortly to pick you up to answer some questions.” We could hear the kid flip out for a few seconds over her headset and then he hung up. We all lost it, that was the funniest thing we had all seen in a while and we didn’t hear from him again.

Story credit: Reddit / jamesdean20

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