Real Life Stories of Incredible “Mic Drop” Moments That Left People Speechless

She Just Wanted to Help

Facebook / welcomehomecreationsbyevonne

I helped an older woman who mistakenly rented a room in her house to the most evil family I’ve ever met. She offered the 2 rooms and private bathroom to the family of 4 because the house they were renting caught fire and they were forced out into a hotel. She just wanted to help. Took them dinners out and all the insane things you’d imagine the nicest person in the world to do.

So they stabbed her in the back. Never paid rent. Abused the heck out of her laundry machine and ate her food. So I went over one day and could hear the toilet running from the hallway. They didn’t care about wasting water. So I grabbed a recorder and knocked on the door asking if I could come in and check on the running toilet.

The mother just banged on the door back at me so loud it sounded like she was going to break the door. Then shouted at me through the door about how she was going to bury the old woman in the back yard. She eventually let me in, I fixed the toilet and moved on to other projects around the house. Figured that was over with. NOPE.

About 15 mins later I see a cop car in the driveway. Ok, this is awful, but I guess I should go talk to them. Cop sees me coming and as soon as I was within ear shot he starts lecturing me about how illegal it is to harass tenants. I stopped him and said “you’re yelling at me without even asking for my side of the story. Would you like to hear what actually happened?”

So I played the recording. He spun around and unleashed fury on this woman for lying to him. All the while I stood there smiling at her from over his shoulder. I’ll never forget that feeling of actual justice in the middle of an 8 month long nightmare.

Story credit: Reddit / gidonfire

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