Real Life Stories of Incredible “Mic Drop” Moments That Left People Speechless

No Further Questions


I was called to testify in an assault case when I was a high school teenager. I had witnessed an altercation between two kids where one had been sucker-punched by another, resulting in a broken orbital bone. I was asked to testify about whether the kid who was assaulted instigated the fight in any way. I stated that the attack was basically unprovoked, as a group of us had just been hanging out on school grounds when the attack occurred.

After I testified, the lawyer for the defense got up and asked a few questions.

L: “What were you doing hanging out on school grounds during the summer?”

Me: “We were hanging around catching up with friends because I hadn’t seen a lot of them over the last several months.”

L: “Why is that?”

Me: “I’ve been away from home for school the last nine months.”

L: “Were you in some kind of detention facility?”

Me: “No, it’s a college preparatory seminary. I’m studying to be a priest.”

L: “No further questions.”

Story credit: Reddit / jschramm

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