Real Life Stories of Incredible “Mic Drop” Moments That Left People Speechless

Behind Her Back

Universal Pictures

I waitressed in high school. This happened when I was 16 or 17. A guy came in to eat with his family—a little girl and his pregnant wife. They were really, really friendly and at first, I thought it was a great table. The wife went to the bathroom and the guy asked for the check. On the check, he wrote his phone number in the tip area along with “Call me, baby.”

I ran his card, waited until his wife came back, and brought over the guy’s card and his receipt. I handed the receipt to the pregnant woman and told her something was wrong with the tip. She got SUPER upset and I got in a lot of trouble with my managers for stirring the pot. In retrospect, I probably didn’t handle that the best way.

But at the same time, I was furious that some guy would come to eat with HIS PREGNANT WIFE—they were both wearing wedding bands, acting couple-y, 99% positive they were married, pretty much 100% confirmed when I gave the wife the receipt with the guy’s “tip” on it—and try to hit on a girl who is more than half his age.

If he’s pulling that stuff so brazenly, god knows what else he’s doing behind his wife’s back.

Story credit: Reddit / kill4sleep

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