Real Life Stories of Incredible “Mic Drop” Moments That Left People Speechless

Instant Dismissal

Wikimedia Commons

I have a buddy who is a DUI attorney. In the state he practiced in, being in the car with the keys in the ignition, even if the engine isn’t running, is considered a DUI if you’re intoxicated. A client came in and told his story to my buddy. The buddy goes to the DA after discovery and says “Don’t take this to trial!” The DA replies “Yeah, right.”

In court, he gets the State Trooper who made the arrest up on the stand. The Trooper says under oath “I saw with my own two eyes that the keys were in the ignition.” Buddy gives the cop several tries to walk it back. Then has it read into the record that the car was a Prius. It didn’t use a key. BOOM. Instant dismissal and the cop got into some trouble.

Story credit: Reddit / dramboxf

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