Real Life Stories of Incredible “Mic Drop” Moments That Left People Speechless

Age Appropriate

YouTube / PairOfKoopas

The mic drop moment happened to me. I went on a date with a boy when I was about 16. I lied about my age and even though I literally looked 11, he still believed me (super dumb of me, right?) He was in his 20s. “Let’s get a drink, yeah?” Me being too weird to tell the truth, I agreed. It was the worst mistake of my entire life.

Flash forward and we’re outside of the bar, it’s our time to go inside and the bouncer checking ID asks me about mine. “Uhhh, sorry, I must have left it at home.” I defensively exclaimed. He knew I was lying out of my face. I did too. My date looks at me weird and he starts interrogating me, I literally cracked with embarrassment.

I started sobbing and at that point, I tried to run inside the bar like I actually had a chance. I even threw a tantrum causing a HUGE scene. Way to show my true age. After, he looks at me with a blank expression and I honestly was crushed. We’re in the car leaving at this point and it was nothing but silence until he was like, “let’s go somewhere age appropriate then.”

“Age appropriate?” I was shocked, he wasn’t even mad at me. I didn’t know what to do with myself, I just sat in the back of the car, mentally beaten. We drive for a while and I honestly thought I was going to get kidnapped.I was confused, but it was about to become crystal clear to me. Eventually, we pull up to a Chuck E. Cheese.

And he leaves me there.

Story credit: Reddit / Flowerpal

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