Real Life Stories of Incredible “Mic Drop” Moments That Left People Speechless

No Evidence Against Me


Worked at a big supermarket chain. Did cashier job, placed out products and did some behind the scenes management. One day I get called to the back. It was the regional manager, who said the deficit after my shifts as cashier is getting out of control—about $10 to $50 every shift. They threatened me with calling the cops, saying that they had surveillance videos showing me stealing the money.

I said sure, get the cops here, I’ll just wait. After 30 minutes, the cops arrived. When we started watching the footage there was nothing showing that I stole the money, and the cops said there is no evidence against me and took off. I still got fired on the spot and they even banned me from entering their stores all over the country.

A few weeks later, I get a call from the girl that was working there with me, and who had to cover me for smoke breaks when I was cashier. Teared up and choking from crying, she confesses that it was her stealing the money all the time while I was on my breaks. She got charges pressed against her, she did 120 hours community service and paid a huge fine.

A few days after that, I get a call from the store’s regional manager apologizing for the inconvenience and asking me if I want to return to my old job. I told him to screw off and hung up.

Story credit: Reddit / padjapoiss

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