Real Life Stories of Incredible “Mic Drop” Moments That Left People Speechless

Talking It Out


My ex, many moons ago, was an idiot. She KNEW that I had many friends that lived in the same neighborhood as her ex that she had left a couple months before dating me. She always told me she was going over to a female friend’s house to study, and I had no reason not to believe her. Til one day she wouldn’t answer a single text.

Now I’m not the kind of guy to text a billion times. I’ll text you, then if you don’t reply, MAAAYYBE I’ll text you 2-3 hours later to make sure you got my last message, and if you still don’t answer, then, “Meh”, I’ll talk to you when you feel like you want to talk. So anyway, I’m at my friend’s house later that night having not gotten a reply from her since maybe 12 hours ago.

Me and the group of friends decide to go outside in his backyard to make a pit fire, when I notice her car in the driveway of the house behind us. I didn’t know it was her ex’s house but it was the waaaaaay wrong neighborhood for her girlfriend’s house. I call her sister up and say “Where is your sister,” and she says “Oh, she’s at [the girl’s house].”

“Well, I’m going nuts then because I’m looking at her car right now and this isn’t her friend’s neighborhood.” Her response to that was “Uh…” So I hang up and ask my friend who lives in the house we were all hanging out at, who owns the house behind him. “Oh that’s [her ex bf’s name]’s house.” I called her phone to find it was off.

So I just chilled the rest of my time there, and payed it no more attention, no sense in worrying at this point—it’s a done deal. About two hours later I get a call from her saying the phone was on silent for “Study purposes” and asking if I wanted to come over. “Sure,” I told her. I arrive at the house a little bit after and she hops in the car.

As soon as she shuts the door I ask “How was studying with your friend?” and she gives me some BS answer as if I didn’t know she wasn’t there. After she’s done spewing her lie I say “Weird. Must have been a long walk from [ex bf’s] house.” I made sure to look at her face as I said it so that I could see any expression. She knew I knew but wouldn’t let it go.

It will go quicker if I just give you the dialogue:

“We were just talking things out”

“Why would it be ok to just go over there to do that if you have a boyfriend? Talk things out? What needs to be talked out?”

“We’ve been friends for a very long time before dating. I can’t just stop talking to him.”

“So to get around that, you feel it’s logical to lie to me about going to a friend’s house? It’s 11pm, “you’ve been talking it out” since 10am. I’ve tried getting a hold of you a couple times too. Silence for a bit… So what did you guys do?”

She wouldn’t answer or look at me. I told her to get out of the car and just pulled off. She broke up with him the first time because he was physically abusive and seemed to not really want to do anything with his life. About a year after I drove off she calls me asking if we could try to make it work again and if I’d like to get together over dinner.

So I said “yes” and arranged a date at a fairly upscale place for Saturday at 8 pm. Told her the dress code and all, since it was a snazzy joint. I’m not sure how long she sat there, because I. Didn’t. Go.

Story credit: Reddit / EtsuRah

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