Real Life Stories of Lawyers’ Dumbest Clients


Wikipedia / All-Pro Reels / CC 2.0

So I’m a law student, but I work at a volunteer desk that helps people complete the forms for court. The awful part is I can’t give any legal advice since I’m not a lawyer, which means I can’t tell these people they don’t have a case. However, the stories are great.

Theres the lady who sues celebrities. She asked me to help her sue Robert De Niro. Someone else helped her with a suit for Mathew McConaughey.

She was doing it on behalf of her kids and their fathers for “in excess of $100 million dollars.” she didn’t even know how to spell their names.

Then, there’s the guy who is suing DirectTV, CNN, Fox, and who knows who else. Apparently, he’s the one you have to thank for putting color on your TV shows and adding animation. He was suing because they hadn’t paid him… ever.

Finally, there’s the lady who is suing her former employer for giving her too much money on her last paycheck.

She told me they did it because they liked her and wanted her to come back. There was maybe 60 extra dollars on the check. She was suing for $10,000.


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