Real Life Stories of Lawyers’ Dumbest Clients

He Never Mentioned It


I had a typical appointment with the Immigration Committee in order to grant my client his residence permit.

He was marrying a woman in my country with my country’s nationality, which is a legitimate reason to be granted a residence permit. It was a typical procedure.

At least that’s what I thought it was going to be. I was so wrong. The Committee, bored, wanted it to be over, and us too. They asked him the typical and boring questions like how they met, where they live, etc.

At one point, they asked him if he was married before, and he said, “Yes, back in my home country, and I am still married actually, never got a divorce.” I was like, wait what did he just say?

I was stunned. Double marriage is forbidden in my country. And he never bothered to mention this detail to me neither to the other lawyer when we asked him.

He later told me he said the truth because he was afraid to lie in front of a Committee. The honest but stupid man. I got paid in full but had to find another way.


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