Real Life Stories of Lawyers’ Dumbest Clients

More Than Meets The Eye


I worked for the Public Defenders office and met a client in jail for a line-up that he had adamantly demanded regarding a crime with multiple witnesses. I met the client for the first time in a separate room to let him know how it would go down and what to expect.

This is the kind of line-up you traditionally see on television where there are a number of similar looking people standing shoulder to shoulder in front of mirrored glass.

They pull the people for the line-up from the jail population and despite their best efforts this is not a huge population.

I walk in to meet the client and he has a stye on his left lower eyelid the size of a golf ball. It was the most identifiable mark on a human’s face i have ever seen.

He still demanded the line-up and was identified instantly by every single witness without a shred of doubt in their mind.

He still demanded a trial and the stye was gone by the time the trial commenced.


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