Real Life Stories of Lawyers’ Dumbest Clients

A Jaw-Dropping Moment


Woman A had hit Woman B in the head with a heavy pint at a bar, and Woman B got pretty serious injuries.

The defense claimed that Woman A had not hit anybody with the pint but instead had just thrown the pint into a random direction, and it happened to hit Woman B in the head.

In this version of events, the injuries were an accident and not battery. The prosecution used CCTV tape from the bar to show at the trial.

The high definition tape clearly showed as Woman A walked behind Woman B and smashed the pint on her head so hard that the glass shattered on impact.

I looked at the defense lawyer, and his jaw literally hit the table. The prosecutor noticed this too and went, “thrown, eh?”

The defense lawyer told the judge that due to technical difficulties; he couldn’t get the CCTV tape open on his computer when he was reviewing the evidence. Woman A was found guilty. So yeah, I was completely dumbfounded.


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