Real Life Stories of Lawyers’ Dumbest Clients

Making His Case Worse


During the hearing in this road traffic accident case, it seemed like your average, clear-cut case. The defendant cut off my client when he decided to exit the motorway at the last minute, or at least that’s what all the evidence we’d heard was strongly suggesting.

But then, the defendant got on the stand and said that after the accident, when my client and the defendant were on the side of the road exchanging phone numbers, my client’s passenger had gone up to the defendant and told him that my client was the one at fault because she “wasn’t looking.”

Oh but it got worse. When opposing counsel asked the passenger about what they’d said, they claimed that because they were Polish, they couldn’t have said such a thing because they couldn’t speak English. The idiot said all this…in perfect English. Our barrister just looked at me horrified.


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