Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

Blocking Traffic

Flickr / David Lofink

I live in Portland and was downtown, parked on the street with my girlfriend, waiting for a sushi restaurant to open. We had already paid for our parking meter and watched as this person in an SUV stopped in the lane right in front of a coffee shop, put her hazard lights on, and the passenger jumped out and ran inside. Light turns from red to green, she’s still sitting there.

After three cycles of the light and watching as a car swerved around her and almost hit a bicyclist, I got out and crossed the street, knocked on her window and said, “You’ve sat here through three cycles of the light, in a lane of active traffic, with your hazards on, while your friend is in there getting coffee. You need to move your car, NOW.”

She looked at me like she couldn’t believe that anyone would have the audacity to call out her selfish behavior, like she had some right to block one out of the two available lanes of traffic. She moved her car though, so I count it a success.

Story credit: Reddit / pzer0

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