Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

Treat Others How You’d Like to Be Treated


A few years ago we were playing ultimate frisbee at the YMCA. Behind it, there is a stereotypical bad trailer park. Well, after a round was over, I notice these kids. They have a small, thin puppy with them. I can hear them yelling and threatening the dog.

I hear one of the kids say that he’s going to beat it with a branch he found on the edge of the field. Before I get over there, he has the branch in hand and is trying to lure the puppy closer. I yell at them and startle the boy. “What do you think you’re doing?” He tries to tell me it’s his dog and he can do what he wants with it. Oh no.

“Anything you do to that dog, I will do to you. You want to swing at him, I will knock the stuffing out of you. Think I’m joking? I dare you to pick that branch up again.” He got so scared. Didn’t have to say much other than that. The group of kids gulped hard and disappeared.

I sat out the next round, playing with the puppy. When the match was over, we took him to the animal shelter. Pretty sure he was adopted out. Didn’t see him when I went back a couple of weeks later.

Story credit: Reddit / nyarr

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