Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

Adjust Your Tone


My grandma died and I had to attend the funeral. I don’t really know my family but anyways… we were walking towards the graveyard. As I was walking in front of the line, I heard this lady talking. My grandma wasn’t really the kindest person you’d meet, but still, show some respect.

As I started to pay attention to what she was saying, I heard the lady mentioning stuff like: “So there’s going to be a mall there,” and, “Do you see her? She is the ex-wife of that rotten son they have.” Naturally, I started to get angry since that’s not how you talk about people. I noticed that a lot of folks got really irritated and as soon as I grabbed my brother’s arm and nearly broke it from anger, I knew I had to say something.

So I turned around and told the lady (nearly 70) off in the kindest possible words. I said, “Lady, if you can’t shut up right now, you need to [bleep] off and find another funeral to attend. It’s not all about the free cake here.” Might be a little rude to talk like that to that lady but geez! Don’t talk like that while you’re about to bury someone.

Story credit: Reddit / fockjouholmes

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