Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

Protecting My Baby

Flickr / Jeffrey Smith

When I was first learning to drive, my mom had me out with her in a huge empty parking lot near the mall to practice. There were stop signs scattered about between the aisles. Well, I’m going on my merry way when out of nowhere a van appears behind me and just tailgates me as I’m driving through the lot at the speed limit. My mom told me to just keep driving and ignore him, but when I stopped at the next stop sign, he blared his horn at me.

This sets my mom off, and she throws her finger out the window as I drove on. When I turned down another aisle of the EMPTY parking lot and he turned to follow me, she told me to stop the car. The guy comes up beside us, some bitter old guy, and tells her she shouldn’t be flipping him off because that’s not ladylike.

She completely explodes at the guy in colorful words I had never before heard come from her mouth. He keeps trying to argue, but she destroyed him. Every time we bring it up now, she just goes, “I was protecting my baby.”

Story credit: Reddit / MissJinxed

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