Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

My Greatest Moment

Flickr / Grant Wickes

I was at the airport check-in line. It was a long line and I had some old ladies behind me with a lot of bags. When the line moved up, I would help them move up their bags so there was a slight gap between me and the rest of the line.

This 40-something business guy comes in just as the gap opens up and takes my spot. I politely inform him that he just skipped me and that the end of the line was a few people back. He turns around and yells in my face, “I have a flight I have to catch!” I was so flabbergasted I couldn’t respond, so he turns back around.

Seething with anger, I reach down, unzip his bag and then kick it and all its contents off to the side. He just turns around and looks at me like he is going to kill me. I say in a calm voice, “I’m younger, bigger, stronger, and I don’t care if I get on this flight or not. Do what you gotta do.” He gets red then proceeds to pick up his stuff and get back in line. The rest of the line applauded me. My greatest moment.

Story credit: Reddit / aknutty

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