Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

My Two Cents

Flickr / Gary Bembridge

When I was fifteen, my mom and I were riding a water taxi around Venice. Two American girls were also riding with us. They were being very loud and yelling at an elderly gentleman who was apparently “in the way of their luggage” (they had five enormous bags each) and continued complaining, saying that the locals were so rude to them and they hated it there.

My mom and I were so embarrassed (we’re American also), so she turned around and said: “Maybe if you weren’t so rude, people would be nicer to you.” They started up again, so I put my two cents in and said, “Just shut up.” My mom laughed and they got even angrier. It was fun.

Story credit: Reddit / heyyrachie

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