Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

That’s Not Gonna Fly Here

Flickr / Oran Viriyincy

About two weeks ago, I was taking a packed train on my way to work. There was a group of college-age people standing in the middle of the train, close to an old lady holding 3 or 4 bags of stuff. At one stop, one of the people sitting down in the elderly seating section gets up. One of the obnoxious college girls sits down and continues to gab with her friends.

I look at her and say, “That’s not gonna fly.” She gave me this look like ‘how dare you talk to me’ and didn’t respond. I told her she should give her seat to the elderly woman. Still nothing. So I say loudly that she is a selfish girl and should be ashamed of herself. She gets up, and the old lady sits down and gives me an appreciative smile.

Story credit: Reddit / MrLinderman

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