Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

Patience Is Its Own Reward


I was at a Panera Bread around the holidays a few years ago. It was full on shopping season, and the place is close to some shopping malls, so it was extremely busy. This older couple ordered coffee, and the lady behind the counter gave them a to-go cup, saying, “I’m sorry, we ran out of clean mugs, and the dishwasher is running now, but I didn’t want to make you wait.”

The lady became furious and started screaming about bad service. She actually yelled, “I need a HERE cup, not a to-go cup!” The poor girl behind the counter kept apologizing and saying they would be done in a minute but the lady just kept nagging.

Meanwhile, another employee comes up to take my order, so I ordered my drink and said as loud as I could, “And a to-go cup is FINE with me. Unlike some people, I understand the drink will taste the same!” The old lady freaked about how rude I was while I waited for my drink. The manager came out and gives me a free loaf of their holiday bread “for being so patient.” Old people left, still angry.

Story credit: Reddit / baconbabe456

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