Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

Running a Riot


Some kid was in a restaurant where my mum and I were trying to have a quiet lunch. This kid starts to throw crayons at my mum, literally from the next table. The kid’s mother was too busy talking on her phone to care. I tried glaring, but she couldn’t care less.

In the end, I walked up to her to confront her and she actually gave me the “1-minute finger.” That was it. I picked up all the crayons on the floor, on the table and from in front of the kid, dumped them on her lap and sat back down. I think she was so shocked she just left. The manager of the restaurant gave us a free meal. Apparently, that particular woman was known for just letting her kid run a riot.

Story credit: Reddit / ChromeDeagle

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