Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

Drinks on the House


I once chased down a guy who stole a woman’s purse. We wrestled with it and when I got it he tried to fight me. I yelled at him to grow up (he was clearly older than me) and walked back inside Starbucks. Does that count?

Best part: I walk in, it’s dead silent. Everyone is watching me (the place was packed after some sort of sporting event). I set the woman’s purse on the table near her and check if she’s alright. She says yes, so I walk back to the front of the line where my buddy was, and say, “I’d like a caramel mocha frappuccino.” The whole place erupts with applause and the drinks are on the house. My smoothest moment ever.

Story credit: Reddit / Bamness

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