Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

I’ve Seen Enough


One time, I was at a show in Philly. It was in between bands and everyone was milling around outside the venue. As I was standing, talking to some friends, I noticed 5 or 6 wannabe rough kids harassing this homeless guy.

They’re kind of pushing him around, forcing him to take pictures with them, and talking down to him. Eventually, the guy slumps down on a wall pulling his knees up and starts crying as these guys are degrading him more and more. One of them shoves his camera phone in the dude’s face saying he’s gonna make him famous on YouTube. At this point, I’ve seen and heard enough and just lose it.

I don’t remember exactly what I said, but I remember flipping on these dudes for about five minutes. Along the lines of how that guy has nothing and you have everything compared to him, yet you are worthless. I told them how disgusting what they were doing was, how sad and pathetic they were.

The fact they were 5 or 6 guys who could probably beat my face in didn’t bother me. I knew that there was no threat towards the end of my tirade when they were all staring at the ground, red in the face clearly ashamed of what they did.

As my verbal berating ended, I was greeted to applause from everyone. I helped the old guy up and took him to WaWa and bought him some dinner. He was weeping on the way there, thanking me, saying he never had anyone stick up for him in his entire life and how I came out of nowhere to help him.

Story credit: Reddit / SirDeezNuts

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