Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

Invisible Illness

Flickr / Nolan Williamson

My dad was driving around with his terminally ill friend. They needed to go to a pharmacy, and seeing as how my dad’s friend gets short of breath easily they were hoping for a handicap spot. Unfortunately, none were vacant so they had to park farther away.

As they were walking up to the store, a squat muscular man comes walking out of the pharmacy and starts to open up the door of his Ford F-150 parked in a handicap spot that he clearly didn’t need to be in (nor did he have a sticker). My Dad’s friend called out to him as he was getting in, “Excuse me?”


“Is your handicap physical or mental?”

The guy’s face went white as a ghost and he quickly got into his truck and pulled away.

Story credit: Reddit / Jimmythejet

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