Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

You Break It, You Buy It

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I used to work in the toy department of a retail store. The Leap Frog ‘laptop’ had just come out and they were REALLY expensive. So I am straightening shelves and notice a kid just wailing away on one of these laptops — mom is nowhere to be found. I approach the kid and ask him nicely, “Is that how you play with your toys at home?” The kid gave me a sheepish “no” and placed it back on the shelf.

I was feeling pretty good about myself at that point, when the kid’s mother comes out of nowhere and very rudely tells me that I have “no right” to speak to her child that way. I calmly looked his mother in the eye and said, “Ma’am, your son was about to break a $150 toy. Our store has a you-break-it, you-buy-it policy. If you would like me to give it back to him so he can continue hitting it, I would be happy to ring you up at my register for the damages.”

She then proceeded to give me an “go rot in a hole” look, grabbed her son, and stalked off.

Story credit: Reddit / magellan2253

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