Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

Back of the Class


I was sitting in an Athletic Training class in college, and behind me sat two girls who had been in the training program for at least a year or so. These girls already knew everything, so they felt like they didn’t need to pay attention. They sat right behind me and talked about everything under the sun.

This went on for several class meetings, until one day, while reviewing for a test, they were being unusually loud. I raised my hand to the professor and said excuse me. He motions for me to ask my question, and I turn around and yell quite loudly at these two girls.

“I’m so happy that you guys already know this information and don’t really need to be here, but I do, and I really need to hear what he’s saying. So, if you would be so kind as to please shut up, that’d be great.”

I turned back to the prof, and said, “I’m sorry, please continue.” He says something like, oh, no problem thanks, and carries on.
Those girls never said another word in class again.

Story credit: Reddit / helloprettylady

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