Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

An Intimidated Look


So, I went to Subway yesterday to get one of those delicious $5 footlongs.

Upon arrival, I see three girls, probably about 17, 18. The first two order and the server asks the last girl what toppings she wants. She’s on her phone so she doesn’t answer. The server asks her again — not being impatient or rude, just asking.

The girl snapped, “Can’t you see I’m on the PHONE here? God, you are so RUDE. Just wait until I’m done.”

I was so offended and embarrassed for the server, so I couldn’t help but say something to her: “That was extremely rude. You came here to get a sub so don’t yell at her for providing the service you asked for. Just get off your phone, order your toppings and stop acting like a child.”

She looked at me with contempt and anger, but I think I intimidated her so she didn’t say anything back to me. The server looked at me, smiled, and mouthed the words thank you.

Story credit: Reddit / grummlinds

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