Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

I Will Find You


True story: About 10 years ago I was out walking my dog, a beautiful black lab named Ed. He was well trained so I would usually let him run free and he always stayed near me or within earshot. Really well behaved, loved everybody and was just an all-around great dog.

Anyway, this dad and his little son (I use the term “Dad” loosely as he was about 19 if that and looked like a typical trashy scumbag) were standing at the entrance of this baseball diamond. As Ed runs by the little kid kicks him, pretty hard but not enough to really hurt him or anything. At this point, I’m like 50 or so yards back and they haven’t noticed me. Ed darts into the diamond then turns to come back out to me.

Now I see the Dad kind of motioning to his son the “proper” way to kick my dog, so as Eddie runs back out the Dad just boots him as hard as he can in the gut and bursts out laughing with his awful kid. Ed yelps and puts his tail between his legs and runs over to me.

Now at this point, all I can see is red and before I know it I am straight charging at this idiot, like a full-on linebacker. He turns around I guess cause he heard me coming just in time for me to spear him. I mean I full-on Goldberg speared that guy. His shoe came off and I’m now on top of him while his son looks absolutely terrified.

I pull back and crack him right in the jaw. Hard. Very hard. And I pull back to do it again when I remember the little kid is watching all this. So, I compose myself enough to say, “The only reason you have any teeth left is because I don’t want your son to see what I would do to you. For your sake, don’t let me ever see you again.”

So I get off of him and look at the terrified kid and say, “If you ever hurt another animal, I will know and I will find you.”

After that Ed and I walked off and had a lovely walk.

Story credit: Reddit

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