Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

His First Day


I used to work at McDonald’s when I was in high school so I sympathize with other teenage fast-food workers.

A while ago I was in the local McDonald’s where I used to work, and It was apparent that it was the cashier’s first day working there, but he seemed to be doing okay. He entered something wrong though and asked his manager how to fix it. In response, the manager comes over and starts tearing into him in front of all the customers, calling him “A [bleeping] idiot” and “an inbred loser” and so on.

After I received my order at the counter, I asked the manager to come over and told him, “Please do not talk to that cashier that way ever again. Just because you are a day shift manager at McDonald’s does not make you a superior human being, and gives you no right to treat others, especially your employees, like dirt.”

After I sat down the other manager came over a brought me some apple pies and thanked me for standing up to that guy. Apparently he acted like that towards everyone.

Story credit: Reddit / miniskirtninja

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