Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

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When I was in high school, one of the lunch ladies was deaf, and she was always the one to cash the students out in the most awesome lunch line (Tacosalads FTW).

Well, once I heard some dude saying how he pretends to not understand her and so forth, basically mocking her, and how he doesn’t pay what he owes, etc, etc.

I got so mad that I just went off on him, telling him what a horrible person he was, and how I hope he loses one of his senses so he could see what it was like. It may not seem like much, but I think I got my point across to him because I didn’t hear him talk about her anymore.

She was super nice too and was really pleased when my school started offering Sign Language courses, and the students could communicate with her. The look on her face when I started signing with her the first time almost made me cry. I could tell she was super happy people were trying to actually talk to her, and not just pretend she wasn’t there.

Story credit: Reddit

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