Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

No Littering


I’m ashamed to admit it but this is a habit of mine: whenever I see anyone drop litter, or who is acting in an incredibly rude manner, I tell them off. Too many entitled people out there who think they can just do whatever they want.

Just last week, I was at the supermarket and there was a woman who had about 3 items on the belt, speaking away on her phone. When a little old lady went over to put her stuff on the belt, the woman on the phone said, “What are you doing? This is my space, I’m just waiting for my husband to come with the rest of our stuff.”

This got me cross enough as it was, but then up strolls this jerk with a cart that was almost over-flowing with stuff. I just couldn’t hold my tongue. Turns out this woman had been hogging space on the belt and telling her husband what to get over the phone! I mean what are you doing?!

So I told her that she and her husband could go to the back of the long line they were causing. They both got all upset and I demanded to see the manager. They called the manager and I explained how vile and selfish they had been, and to his credit, the manager told me I was right. He sent the people to the back and comped the old lady’s groceries to apologize for her inconvenience (she only had about 4 items anyway).

Story credit: Reddit / tomdwilliams

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