Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

Spoiler Alert


I went to see The Hunger Games. I chose the 4 o’clock show because I thought it would be more empty; it wasn’t. A teenage couple sits behind me talking loudly. 30 minutes into the movie they still haven’t stopped talking.

So I turn around to look them dead in the face and ask them: “Hey guys, did you read the books?” The girl just looked at me wild-eyed and bewildered and replied with: “Ummmm… noo.” I looked that little jerk in her face and said: “Well I did, so if you two don’t shut up I’m going to tell you what happens and ruin the movie for you.”

That bought me 10 minutes of silence.

Then they started talking again, so I turn around and say: “Hey! Do you see that little girl ‘Rue’? She dies.”

Silence the rest of the movie.

Story credit: Reddit / vicrally

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