Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

Fundamentally Wrong


One summer night several years ago, my friends and I were walking around town, just goofing off. As we were about to turn a corner, we heard a guy yelling and then what sounded like a puppy yelping. As we turned the corner we saw that our assumption was correct.

This guy had a puppy (no more than 10 pounds) on a leash and was yanking him around because the dog wouldn’t poop on command (we could hear him telling the dog that). He was abusing the poor thing.

So I said, “Yank that dog one more time and see what happens.” He looked me dead in the eye and yanked the dog so hard that I thought he would break its neck.

We spent the next 3 minutes handing him the beating of his life and left him on the sidewalk. My friend still has the dog.

I know what we did was fundamentally wrong. But sometimes in life, you have to choose the lesser of two evils.

Story credit: Reddit / justsmurfythanx

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