Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

Do You Think This is Funny?


I used to fly a lot for work and often had to deal with the typical flying annoyances (crying babies, people who were too wide for their seat, obnoxious dudes hitting on the flight attendants).

But the one that sent me over the edge was when a 9-year-old girl in the seat behind me began to kick the back of my chair repeatedly, yelling at the top of her lungs for no reason. I turned around, glared at the girl and at her mother sitting next to her, and simply asked her to stop.

The girl almost instantly resumed the kicking and yelling, prompting the flight attendant to come over and speak to the mother and her child. Less than a minute after the flight attendant had returned to the front of the plane, the kid started at it again.

I undid my seatbelt, turned around, and completely ignoring the kid, I ripped into the mother.

“Is this your kid?? Yes? Then act like a parent and control your daughter. She’s acting like a spoiled little brat. I’ve already spoken to you about this, and so did the flight attendant. Now I don’t care how you deal with your kids when you’re at home but I’m sure not going to put up with your daughter kicking my seat and yelling in my ear for the next 3 hours. If you can’t keep her quiet and behave for a 3-hour flight you shouldn’t be on a plane.”

Then to the daughter who was smirking while her mom was being reamed out. “You think this is funny?” Death glare until the smirk disappeared. “Answer me. DO… YOU… THINK… THIS… IS… FUNNY…?”

The girl finally answers very quietly… “no.”

“No. I don’t think it’s funny either. You’re going to sit in your chair quietly, and you’re going to watch TV or read a book or something, and above all, you are not going to kick my chair or yell for the rest of this flight… Agreed?” She just nodded back at me.

As I turned back around in my seat and put my seatbelt back on the whole plane gave me a round of applause and the flight attendant gave me free drinks for the rest of the flight. The girl never made a sound louder than a whisper for the rest of the flight.

Story credit: Reddit / Circlesmirk

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