Real Life Stories of People Who Scolded Rude Strangers That Are So Satisfying

No Way to Treat a Woman

Flickr / Phillip Pessar

I work at a Kohl’s. One night, a girl and her boyfriend were applying for a store credit card. She had forgotten her ID in the car, which we require in order to apply for the charge. She politely asked her boyfriend to go to the car to get it, which he does.

Meanwhile, at my register, I am ringing out a family with three young children. The boyfriend storms back into the store yelling at his girlfriend, “Your ID isn’t in the car. You’re such a slob, I am so sick of you,” etc. The girl was horrified, though it looked like she was used to such lashings. The family looked at me bewildered, so I finished checking them out as fast as I could so they could leave.

The guy is still screaming at his girlfriend. My manager was nowhere in sight, so I walked up to him and told him that he was a terrible human being for treating someone like that and he could either leave the store or I was going to call the police. It was probably the angriest I have ever been at someone I didn’t know.

Story credit: Reddit / jessicaalynn1490

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