Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

On a Remote Island


I was on a boat with a male friend and his two buddies. We were anchored off a remote, uninhabited island, just relaxing and drinking.

One guy, apropos of nothing, stared straight at me and said, “we should rape and murder Peux and throw her body overboard.” 

I was so shocked—I didn’t even know how to respond. I wasn’t exactly scared of him and I wanted to wipe that smirk off his stupid face more, but it was so random yet so specific. And my friend didn’t immediately say anything so that made me feel uneasy.

It was an uncomfortable boat ride home and after that whenever I saw that guy around, I headed the opposite direction, which isn’t easy when we lived on a tiny island. Story credit: Reddit / peuxcequeveuxpax

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