Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

In a Suggestive Tone


While I was working, a man came in and  asked for help finding some CDs. He gave me the names and I didn’t see it on the shelf so I decided to check our understock under the shelves. I went on my hands and knees to look and found the CDs of the albums he wanted.

I stood up and said, “Here you go, that should be all the ones you wanted.” And before I could say anything else, he said something so creepy—it sent shivers up my spine. 

He goes “I bet you spend a lot of time on your hands and knees huh?” in a rather suggestive tone.

I had no idea what to do so I just awkwardly giggled and asked if he needed anymore help finding things and he said “no” so I quickly ran into the back and waited for five minutes for him to check out and leave. Story credit: Reddit / urbanlulu

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