Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

A Bit Eerie


When I was either 14 or 15, I was walking my dog in a forest. I ran into a large guy who told me he had failed to report back to his mental hospital but that I should not be afraid. He told me about visiting purgatory and how painful that was.

He then went on to explain to me that Hades was specifically one thousand times more painful. Not more, not less.

He gave me colorful details. It sounded like something out of Bosch or the Hindu book of the dead. He begged me to pray for him which, not knowing what else to do, I said that I would.

Incidentally, my school’s gym in those days was located on the opposite side of the road from a mental hospital. They’d release them for a walk every now and then. I was pretty used to running into mental hospital patients on my way to and from the gym.

It was a bit eerie, but we were always in a group and it was in a city, so I felt safe. Being outside of civilization and alone with that guy was terrifying. He wasn’t harmful and let me go, but it was deeply uncomfortable. Story credit: Reddit / M1ckey

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