Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

I Doubt He Was Joking


I was sitting in the cafeteria at a table by myself once when some random guy approached me. He asked if an empty seat at my table was taken.

Out of all the tables he could have gone to, he chose the one I was at…but I let him sit anyway. He then proceeded to make conversation with me.

He asked me for my name and major. I didn’t want to be rude so I responded politely, thinking that would be the end of the conversation. But then the guy asked me if I was married. At first, I thought I just heard wrong, but then he repeated the question.

I responded with a firm, “No.” The guy then asked me why—that’s when things got really weird. He asked, “Would you like to [be married] with me?”

His expression was totally serious, so I doubt the dude was joking. He kept asking why I wouldn’t marry him and then just left. Weirdest encounter ever. Story credit: Reddit

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