Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

An Unwelcome Guest


When I was around 14/15, I was in a situation with my mom where she invited her “friends” to live with us. One guy was homeless (before he moved in) and had his gf move in too. Over time, one more moved in, then another.

They even gave me a prison tattoo (they made the machine with a motor from a CD player and guitar wire), used natural inks and onion paper. I thought it was cool back then.

At one point, I came home from high school and officers were swarmed in front of my house, my mom handcuffed to one of the patio posts, screaming at the officers.

They removed the “friend” she was sleeping with as he’d knocked over a 7-11. And that’s not even the creepy part.

The creepy part was when that guy was living with us, I remember being awakened by the covers on my bed sliding up my legs.

I stayed very still. It stopped. I must’ve fallen back asleep because I didn’t think about it until the next day, and I questioned whether or not it had been a dream.

But I did tell my mom, and she confronted him. He said he wanted to see the tattoo he’d put on me. Story credit: Reddit / prima_facie2021

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