Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

She Looks Right Through You


One of my cousins is super weird and gives off super creepy vibes. She has these dead eyes and she looks right through you. Everyone in the family finds her creepy.

One of the first times I remember her properly freaking me out was when she came around with her family for my grandma’s birthday lunch at my house. The whole family was there. I don’t remember what she did but someone upset her by asking her to stop.

About half an hour later someone found her on the stairs with a pen and paper having written some family member’s names on a bit of paper. She then wrote die next to each of their names.

When asked what it was, she said it was a list of people she wanted to die. She was 6 or 7 at the time. Genuinely freaks me out to this day to be around her. Story credit: Reddit / b_turtlewhispers

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