Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

She Didn’t Say a Word


I was babysitting a few kids, a 12-year-old, 7-year-old, and a one-year-old. They were all well-behaved kids, although the 7-year-old refused to say a word, the entire night didn’t say anything. Hours pass and it was late and everyone was asleep upstairs. I was downstairs watching TV after cleaning up.

All of a sudden I look up and I see the 7-year-old girl looking down at me on the stairs with her long black hair in her face. I thought I was seeing the girl from the ring and I nearly screamed.

Once I realized I wasn’t in a horror movie, I asked her if she couldn’t sleep. Still didn’t answer and just stayed there. Story credit: Reddit / Endonna

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