Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

I Can Still Picture Him


I will never forget this horrible experience I had with a stranger. When Ghostbusters 2 came out, I really wanted to see it, so my mom took me to the local theater.

I think I was around nine. I needed to use the bathroom so I ran down the small hall and turned the corner.

I saw a much older man come out of the bathroom just then. When he saw me, he stopped and went back in.

When I didn’t move, he opened the door peeking his head and arm out. At one point, he motioned for me to come towards him. I probably looked like a deer in headlights.

I didn’t move. I was frozen until he said something that shook me to my core: “Come on, come on in.” I was really young but I knew that it was a bad situation.

Panic rushed over me and I ran back towards my mom who said I was pale white. She quickly left the theater with me and went home. I can still picture that creepy old man. Story credit: Reddit / butters991

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