Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

Secret Admirer


When I was in elementary school, I got a new phone and was super happy about this. It was a small Samsung, oval-shaped, that you had to slide up to reveal the keyboard.

I took the bus home after school and played some games on my phone when two older guys who were probably in their early twenties started talking to me, saying how cool my phone was and if they could have a closer look at it.

I very proudly handed them my phone. But their intentions were not good. After a couple of minutes they gave it back to me and I went off the bus because I arrived at my stop. My parents were divorced, and I spent the weekend at my dad’s. I had my dad’s contact saved with his number and email address.

Suddenly my dad, sitting in front of his PC, called me over to look at something. It was an email, sent to his account, directed at me talking about how they met me on the bus and that I was so nice and fun and if I would like to meet them again.

My dad laughed and mocked me about how, “I have an admirer”, but I clearly remember my heart sinking to my feet as I remembered those two guys I encountered some days prior.

Some pedophiles sent me an email to my dad’s account, trying to meet me again and my dad mocked me for having admirers. I clearly remember feeling so vulnerable and hurt and I am still traumatized by this. Story credit: Reddit / Beanibean248

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