Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

Now You’re On the List


My brother had a friend with a creepy tag-along little brother Gideon. This family was ultra religious and Gideon was creepy as a teenager. He went into the military and had served two tours as a truck driver. While he was there, he had a roommate that beat him up a lot.

Gideon supposedly stood over the roommate when he OD’d on drugs and watched him die pleading for help.

He came home after that and worked on the family farm. He is an angry incel. On a holiday we were all home again and Gideon tagged along, as usual.

We were all having a conversation and with nothing to do with any topic, Gideon just drops, “I have a kill list, some of those names have a star next to them.” That ruined the conversation completely.

After a long pause, I just piped in with, “How different is that list, from the list of people you ever met?”. I think I got myself on that list that night. Story credit: Reddit / DarrenEdwards

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