Real Life Stories of People Who Showed Their Creepy Side

Re-Entering the Workforce


My boss at the time made the mistake of hiring an older woman who was re-entering the workforce. He wanted to fire her the first day because she couldn’t even complete the basic hiring paperwork, which takes maybe 20 minutes for the slowest readers, in eight hours.

He quickly lost his patience training her so he pawned her off on me. Before the end of the first day, I was training her and she simply failed to learn anything that I explained to her. Also, she cried and called me mean for trying to “train her too quickly.”

So then she reported me to the boss and she wanted to report me to human resources for creating—get this—a hostile environment.

I was actually out of town when she was complaining to my boss, but he managed to spook her enough by asking if we should just call this hiring a mistake and have her and the company mutually part ways. She straightened up pretty quick apparently.

When I came back a few days later she was better and more eager to learn. Well, the nightmare was actually just beginning.

As we are leaving for the day, her husband is waiting for her in the parking lot with her teenage son in the back seat.

I pull out in my car after they do and the entire time, her son is turned around in the backseat smiling at me through the rear windshield. The following day she tells me her son has a huge crush on me now.

Apparently, her teenage son thinks I’m so hot that he’s going along for the ride tonight so he can see me again. Then this crazy woman, who I have known for literally three days, tells me all of her teenage minor child’s physical stats—including how well-endowed he is.

How the heck his mother knows this, I do not wish to know. I actually had to remind this woman that I was more than a decade older than her minor child. This made her laugh and said he’d be older soon enough. She did not end up working with us for long. Story credit: Reddit / Camp_Express

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